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Research Programs

CCOMC Research Projects
  • Powder Synthesis and Materials Processing

    This thrust focuses on projects selected by member organizations through their vote on the IAB as the most relevant to their interests in generic topics in powder synthesis and materials processing. Projects include powder synthesis, powder mixing advanced coating techniques and other generic topics in powder synthesis and materials processing. The current research projects are:

    • Solution Crystallization of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel, R. Riman, D. Kopp
    • Synthesis of Boride Powders, R. Haber, A. Celik
    • Residual Stresses in Ceramics, A. Mann, S Langan
    • Microstructural Characterization and Dispersion Studies on Commercial Hexagonal Boron Nitride Powders, R. Haber, S. Murali
    • Variability in Boron Caride Powders, V. Domnich
    • Non-Destructive Characterization of Dense Ceramics, R. Haber, V. DeLucca
    • Modeling Binder Removal, M.J. Matthewson, J. Prati
  • Ceramics for Opaque and Transparent Armor

    This thrust focuses on projects selected by member organizations through their vote on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) as the most relevant to their collective interests in ceramics that are primarily used for their mechanical properties. This includes armor, wear and erosion resistant parts, heat engine components, heat exchanger components and cutting tools as well as other applications. The current projects focus on research relevant to ceramic armor. However, most of the projects are relevant to other structural as well as non-structural ceramic material. The current research projects in this thrust are:


  • Synthesis of Boride Powders, R. Haber, A. Celik

  • Modeling Binder Removal, M.J. Matthewson, J Prati

  • Residual Stresses in Ceramics, A. Mann

  • Solution Crystallization of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel, R. Riman, D. Kopp

  • Variability in Boron Carbide Powders, V. Domnich

  • Non-Destructive Characterization of Dense Ceramics, R. Haber, V. DeLucca


  • Optical Material Synthesis and Processing

    This thrust area created with the joining of COMSET to the Center. The projects listed reflect the areas of interest of the member organizations recruited through the Clemson site. In Fall 2009, as new projects are initiated it is anticipated that this will increase.

    • Active Fibers and Coatings, J. Ballato, C Kucera, J Furtick
    • High Strengh, High Modulus inherently Flame Retardant Fibers via
    • Wet Spinning, P. Brown
    • Towards fibers that will possess hydrophobic/oleophobic properties for an extended
    • period of time, I Luzinov